My Quick Turnaround Habit

05 April 2018

I work with people. A lot of people. Some are an absolute pleasure to work with, others… not so much.

I’ve developed a habit that helps me recover quickly after a bad experience with a coworker.

If I find myself feeling drained following a conflict, I go to a colleague I enjoy working with and give them good feedback. I tell them how much I enjoy working with them and why.

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

This simple act results in two things:

  1. I quickly shake off any frustration or angst leftover from what happened earlier.
  2. My colleagues get unsolicited and positive reinforcement for the work that they do.

If my positive feedback goes towards a coworker who was with me enduring that draining experience, it also signals to them what my beliefs are on acceptable and non-acceptable behavior.

Good vibes all around.